
EAS members form a global community of research scientists and healthcare professionals who share knowledge about the causes, natural history, treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and related diseases. Working together, we advance research, and improve management of these diseases in the clinic.

Become a member now!

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Looking to renew your membership? Sign in and navigate to Account > EAS Membership > Edit member profile & Renew membership

What are the benefits of membership?

BenefitFull Individual member Non-member
National Society
Annual membership subscription€60 per annum
Student or <36 yo: €30 per annum
FREE[See Note 2]
Discounted EAS Congress fee
[See Note 1]
Access to educational content on the Society’s e-learning platform, EAS AcademyPremium & Free content.
Free online courses.
Open & Free contentOpen & Free content
Certificate of Excellence in Lipidology Programme, update 2023€500€750€750
Free on-line subscription to the EAS Journal Atherosclerosis
Receive a 25% discount on the open-access fee when you publish in Atherosclerosis
Eligible to apply for EAS educational activities, such as Advanced courses
Receive topical newsletters, scientific commentary
Online community networking with other members
Eligible to apply for travel grants[See Note 3]
Eligible to nominate candidates for awards
Eligible to vote in Society elections

Note 1. To be eligible to register with EAS member registration fee for the EAS 2024 Lyon, you must have paid your EAS individual membership fee for 2023 with payment completed before the end of 2023.
Note 2. Membership agreement between EAS and your National Atherosclerosis Society.
Note 3. EAS offer to affiliated national Societies the opportunity to offer up to 3 of their members (selected by the national Society leadership) a travel grant to EAS Congress funded by EAS.

Our FAQ section provides answers to the most commonly asked questions about membership: FAQ – EAS (